Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gaia Online: Starting Out

Gaia Online is an anime online community where you can play games, chat, dress up your avatar and look for art. It is actually one of the biggest forum avatar sites out there. I have joined back in the year 2005 I believe and have been going on and off. I used to run a shop there for avatar edits and then later on decided to try opening a shop for custom requests of pixel art. Anyway, let's start off for some of the old avatar edits I have done back then.

The ever popular Final Fantasy VII game. Back then this was my way of doing fanarts for the games xD

I just want to say I am not happy how Sora ended up >.>

I wanted to play this game again since it was so long and I was really young when i played this. Sorry there's no Squall I made for this one but I did make a very old version of him when I was just learning. I only liked Squall during the beginning of the game but when he started doing the punching action and whatever lines, well he turned me off. I prefer Laguna over him anytime xD

Another final fantasy series. I have always liked FFX than X-2 in terms of story and the characters but I enjoyed playing it nonetheless. I even made a back to back version of Lenne and Yuna haha

Let's move on other than the square's games. Sony's Legend of Dragoon is one of my favorite games of all time. The battle system with the VA's is one of the first that drew my attention. Many people say that LOD is a rip off of FF7. I disagree with that, although the graphics may be similar I think the concept is entirely different. This game deserves more love.

Yes Shadow hearts again xD I really love this game. The story and the characters particularly the main protragonist is my favorite. The main character actually acts like a guy! His personality is more normal and realistic than other usual protagonists of games these days.

I have managed to play only the ps2 version of Magna Carta. The art and character design is what drew me to this game. I really like Calintz's character design on the second image compared to his character in the ps2 game. I thought he was a "she" >.>

Another ps2 2D game. This is one of the Shining Games Series. The character art is what's this game very popular of. The art was made by Tony Taka.

One of my first games was Grandia then Grandia 2 came. I believe the first and the 2nd game are the best of the series compared to the latter game releases.

A game released by Square but made by the Tri-ace group I think. I have mixed feelings about this game. I liked it and hate it at the same time xD

AH yes the best rpg of the ps1 genre. The story of this game is too vast and complicated. The battle system is very unique as well. The music is excellent, thanks to Yasunori Mitsuda. The story is such a masterpiece. It's one of those games that gave me a warm feeling when I finished the game. When Fei said, this is gonna be our last fight together I was like "Noo T_T" I also had multiple save files to view certain events in the game. The nostalgia *sigh* I miss squaresoft.

The prequel of the game Xenogears supposedly although any relation has been cut off since this one was produced by Namco. Square did not seem to care for the xenogears story or project so the creators left instead. KOS-MOS is my favorite character here since she reminds me of Elly in so many ways.

One of the action rpgs I really love. This one is supposed to be a DMC game but was changed later on by Namco. The story made me want to play the game cause I wanted to know why and what truly happened xD I also enjoyed playing as Sieg.

Pixel 2D game by Gust. It is mostly about alchemy, synthesizing items which is the fun part of it. I still enjoy this game in terms of alchemy system compared to the latter releases of the game primarily since there is interaction and reactions for the items you make xD

One of the old ps1 games xD Ah Rei I just love his voice in battle!

This one is from an anime adapted to be a game later on. MMORPG inspired, if only games are like this lol so many people would be really addicted.

It was made by Tri-ace back then originally. It was 2d in the first game in ps1. They kept the 2d movements in maps in the Silmeria game to keep at its original predecessors.

I made edits from the WildArms series 1,2,3. The first one is still my favorite and it is good that they made a remake of the game. The WA series is one of the first games in the ps1 console so it is quite memorable and holds a special place in my gaming experience. I also made a pixel version of Jet Enduro

I have played very few games of the Zelda Series but I recall when I was younger, I watched the TV animated series along with Super Mario Brothers xD I have always liked their theme song.


Shareffah said...

what's the item used on cloud strife avatar? is this available on Gaia??

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